ÅOOMI Home Stories — Ola Szwalek
Always in nature. I spend a lot of time in a forest, on a farm, searching for ingredients in the meadows and on farmlands. I can never stop myself from trying something straight from the soil, which not always ends well... I usually don’t go to restaurant, but when I travel, I always try local food: from a local man, who has been grilling fish for the last 40 years or from the farmer whose everyday lunch is raw vegetables with his own olive oil and salt. I visit cooks after work and I try food that they cook outside of the restaurant. I visit markets.
Do you have any all-time favorites products you use for your cooking?
Good olive oil and salt. In that order! These are for me the essentials that always travel with me in pocket versions. Other favorite products change seasonally as I go through different phases. Last year it was fresh marjoram and this year it’s freshly pressed rapeseed oil. And for the last few weeks, I have been absolutely obsessed with fresh, still wet walnuts.
What is a plant-based diet for you and what’s the most interesting part of cooking vegetables?
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ÅOOMI Home Stories — Agnieszka Owsiany
We visited artist Agnieszka Owsiany on a cold December day, and talked about her inspirations and creative practice over a hearty vegetarian meal she prepared.
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ÅOOMI in the World: Helen Cafe
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